Monday, June 25, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

7 1/2 Week 1 -- Catching up


My hardest thing would be habit 7 1/2 Play. I hardly ever make time to play. I'm always busy doing something. I should learn from my 2 year old and just have fun, and maybe on occasion drive those around me a little nutty in the process.

The easiest for me would be using technology to my advantage. If I can find a shortcut with technology I do. Technology is such a part of my everyday life, that my husband and I both laugh at each other as we are both on our laptops, while watching downloaded content from the Internet on our flat-panel television.

I constantly say to my husband...maybe we should explore Buddhism and he reminds me that we could not give up our technology.


Technology 101...

I must admin I'm a techie by association. My husband is CRAZY, maybe because his job depends on him know all sorts of technology, but, seriously our house looks like (as someone said at LATI) an apple store. If you can name it we probably have it in our house, and we probably have for years.

Our first digital camera 1994
Our first DVD player 1998
Our first MP3 player 1998
Our first TIVO 2003
Our first Apple TV 2007

So as you can see I'm always on the cutting edge, but it isn't because of is because my husband has a sickness....LOL....Actually it is very helpful in my job!


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Howdy FCPL folks. I'm finally catching up on my 23 things! I'm pretty comfortable with flickr. Corey and I have had a site for quite a while, and while it isn't up to date. It is full of images!

Check it out
