Monday, May 7, 2007

Ray Kurzweil -- need I say more?

If you aren't familiar with Mr. Kurzweil look him up at

I heard him speak a few months ago on NPR, I have since nagged my husband with what he spoke about. Mr. Kurzweil has a proven track record at predicting the future. Most of his predictions are based on the fact that technology doubles ever year. And while technology is doubling every year...the price points on that same technology are cut in half ever year. For example if you buy a computer today, it will be half the cost for one the same size/speed in a year.

He feels that global warming will cease to be an issue as the technology will allow us to make viable solar panels to run everything.

He showcased his hand held reading machine for the blind. It basically takes a picture of anything with text and on the fly presents it through speach.

He stated that technology is now more quickly adopted. For example it took the telephone 50 years to be widely adopted, the cell phone 7 years, and newer technologies are being adopted almost instantly.

Mr. Kurzweil feels computer will disappear by 2010. He feels they will be replaced with images written directly to our retinals.
We will constantly be conected to the internet.
Technology will be embeded in our environment (clothing, eye glasses, etc)

I could write all night about his speech as is is truly wonderful...All the slides from today are on the following site.


1 comment:

Marie Slaby said...

Did you see Tom Cruise in Minority Report? The futuristic flick used retinal scans as id--as well as for insidious advertising. So as you walk down the street, you get identified by these talking billboards that know your shopping history and target you with specific ads based on that. Very spooky (but just around the corner, what with cookies and GMail, etc...)